
/Tag: design

User Experience for the Web (WebUX)

The discipline of user experience examines how we interact with the products and systems that surround us; everything from our kitchen appliances to smart phones. This course provides an overview of the general principles of user experience for the online world. You will learn about tools and techniques you can use to begin to create great [...]

2018-01-26T12:48:33+00:00Categories: Creative, Design, Development|Tags: , , , , |

Intro to the Design of Everyday Things

Everyone designs. Design occurs anytime you deliberately change an environment to make things better. When you decide what seat to take in an auditorium you’re designing your experience. When you rearrange the furniture in a room or draft an email, you’re designing. This course provides a summary of key concepts from the first two chapters of [...]

2018-01-23T12:22:54+00:00Categories: Design|Tags: , |
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